(주)케이티에스테이트 / 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 422, 17층 / 사업자등록증번호 120-87-57657 / 통신판매번호 제 2021-서울송파-2518호 / 대표 최남철
Parisian Lounge L’Espace invites you to the Tea Omakase ‘Tea Voyage’, a sensory journey to rejuvenate the body and mind. Experience the deep tea aroma curated by our tea sommelier.
• Time
Everyday 12:00 PM / 2:30 PM / 5:00 PM
• Menu
5 Kinds of TEA Pairing with French Snack Course
– Saicho Darjeeling Sparkling Tea
– Hadong Go-Bbul-Don-Tea with Tartelette Aux Pétoncles
– Black Tea Blending with Pavé De Pommes De Terre Et Champignons
– Oolong Tea Blending with Purée Vanille & Chocolat Entremets
– Hoji Tea Blending with Sésame Noir Madeleine
• Price
KRW 45,000 (per person)
• Venue
L’Espace (6F)
• Inquiry
02 2092 6104